Garuka Bars

October and November subscribers got to taste the goodness that is Garuka Bar. Handmade with raw Vermont honey, Garuka Bars are delicious and packed with wholesome ingredients to fuel your day.

Not only do Garuka Bars do your body good, but they do the world good, too. Garuka Bars is named after one of the few remaining mountain gorillas ranging the volcanic forests of the Virunga Massif in Rwanda. A percentage of every Garuka Bar sold goes towards gorilla conservation efforts. Garuka's commitment to the Earth doesn't stop with gorilla conservation: their packaging is 100% consumer recyclable, too! Not only that, but the honey used in Garuka bars comes from Vermont beekeepers who use natural and sustainable methods to harvest honey. They believe "happy, healthy bees make the best honey" and you can definitely taste the difference whenever you bite into a Garuka bar. Garuka Bars are perfect for an on-the-go breakfast before a run, an afternoon snack, or on the trail. They're also great for kids (and I'm now keeping a bar in my car at all times for the emergency "I need a snack, now!" demands).  If you weren't a subscriber for October and November, be sure to grab your sample from Garuka! Catch up with Garuka on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Runnerbox subscribers: be sure to use your coupon code for savings on your next order of Garuka!

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