Tempo Run App

I don't know about you, but there's nothing more frustrating than trying to find the perfect song for a run. I try to shuffle my songs, but it ends up going something like this. Yeah, I knew you could relate. And, it's impossible to get into the groove of a run when you're focusing on getting the right song playing. One is too slow, the next is too fast. Next, next, next, NEXT. Then I discovered the TempoRun app, created by by five students from Michigan State University. One of the founders, Josh, was inspired when he was running one day and came across the perfect song for his run. He wondered how awesome would it be if we could automatically find that groove on each and every run? The answer is "pretty darn awesome".

Simply download the app, plug in some profile information, and then select the level at which you'd like to run (1 being a walk, 5 a jog, and 10 a sprint). TempoRun scans your playlist to find music to match your pace. And unlike some other running apps, TempoRun does not change the speed of your songs. It plays your songs as-is. After all, no one wants to hear the theme from Rocky sped up to 180 BPM. Don't want to use your playlist? TempoRun includes access to Soundcloud Radio, too! 

And did you know? Music can do wonders for your run. From the TempoRun site: "One of the leading scientists in the area is Dr. Costas Karageorghis, from Brunnel University. In a recent study, he discovered that listening to music while runing can boost performance by up to 15%. He showed that music acts as a stimulant to an athlete's workout, and even called music"a legal drug for athletes." Want more science? The stats geek in me loves that TempoRun tracks distances, times, and calories burned. Start with the clean slate and watch your miles pile up, keep track of best performances, and overall miles logged.

At $2.99, TempoRun is an affordable way to ensure you're getting the best songs for your workout each and every time you run. It will become your new favorite training partner. TempoRun is available on the App Store. You can also find them on Facebook and twitter.

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