Hyland's Leg Cramp & Muscle Brownie Review
Following is a review of Hyland's Leg Cramps and Lenny & Larry's Muscle Brownies from one of our subscribers, Theresa. These great products are in our bimonthly RunnerBox. "Leg Cramps-I have nothing but great things to say about Leg Cramps. Sometimes the simplest remedy is the best and this is one of them. Particularly at night after a long run when your legs just don't want to shut down. I have found the tablets also great while driving long distances and that right calf and foot starts to cramp up. I had one occasion where I actually popped them during a race when I began getting some serious toe cramping. They did the trick! This is a product I carry in my purse. It just comes in handy!" "Muscle Brownie- Muscle Brownies are reminiscent flavor of pre-packaged brownies you'd get at the lunch line in school, but clearly pack more of a punch. They aren't unbearably sweet, and the amount of protein would be great for a runner on a long run who is getting a case of the munchies. They don't take up a lot of space so they'd be good for a personal belt or hydration pocket. I'd definitely recommend them to the chocoholic runner." Thanks Theresa for your reviews! Check out these products here: Leg Cramps www.hylandslegcramps.com, or follow them for great posts at www.facebook.com/HylandsActive. Lenny and Larry's Muscle Brownie @ www.lennylarry.com. www.facebook.com/Lennylarrys